
Tree Plantation and Climate Change Awareness Program

While measuring the short-term impacts of our interventions may be challenging, several long-term benefits are anticipated from our projects. First, an increase in foliage cover throughout the city could provide relief from the extreme heat that has become prevalent, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of Cuttack. Second, by engaging the community and educating children about contemporary environmental issues, we aim to foster a generation that is more concerned about the planet’s wellbeing. Finally, the project seeks to empower residents in slum areas with limited space for gardening, enabling them to create gardens without the need for extensive land. This empowerment could lead to a greater number of plants in congested and polluted areas, contributing to improved local environments.


  • Pratyush Pattnayak
  • Durgamadhaba Dash
  • Rajesh Kumar Mallick
  • Jayashree Sutar

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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