
The effect of coastal development, new beach and industrial construction on climate change and marine biodiversity.

The team has worked diligently to progress the project, which focuses on investigating the impact of coastal development on climate change and marine biodiversity while raising awareness about conservation. The objectives included analyzing deforestation and land-use changes in coastal areas using GIS tools, assessing the impact of coastal development on marine biodiversity, and organizing beach clean-up programs to promote conservation. Challenges faced included limited data availability on coastal development and marine biodiversity and difficulties in engaging local communities in conservation efforts. The outcomes achieved include identifying areas with high deforestation rates and biodiversity loss, increasing awareness among local communities about the importance of conservation, and successfully collecting and segregating garbage to promote a cleaner and healthier marine environment.

The project has had significant environmental, social, and economic impacts. Environmentally, beach clean-up programs and proper garbage segregation have reduced marine pollution, protecting marine life and habitats, while the identification of biodiversity hotspots and awareness campaigns have promoted conservation efforts. Socially, the project has engaged local communities through clean-up programs, fostering ownership and stewardship of marine environments, while also educating stakeholders and policymakers about the importance of marine conservation. Additionally, it empowers communities to take action against marine pollution and promotes sustainable livelihoods. Economically, the project encourages eco-tourism and reduces dependence on destructive fishing practices, leading to cost savings for local communities and governments through sustainable coastal development practices.


  • Rajalaxmi Sahoo
  • Priyadarsini Gouda
  • E. Sailesh Patra
  • Bunga Biswanath

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