
Terracool: Revolutionizing cooling with bamboo, jute and clay and cooling the world naturally

Terracool, an innovative eco-friendly cooling system, utilizes bamboo, jute, and clay pots to provide sustainable temperature control. This sustainable alternative addresses the pressing issue of energy-intensive cooling methods that contribute to climate change. By making cooling accessible and affordable for all, especially the middle and lower-middle classes, Terracool aims to reduce the negative impacts of hot summers. Additionally, the project promotes the use of locally sourced materials, supporting local industries and encouraging sustainable practices. Despite challenges such as limited access to materials and internet connectivity, the team successfully developed a functional prototype, demonstrating significant energy savings and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Through this project, we hope to inspire the adoption of sustainable cooling solutions and contribute to a greener f

Terracool, an innovative eco-friendly cooling system, offers a sustainable solution to traditional, energy-intensive cooling methods. By utilizing natural materials like bamboo, jute, and clay pots, Terracool significantly reduces carbon emissions and promotes energy efficiency. This affordable and accessible cooling solution improves indoor air quality, enhancing the health and well-being of individuals, particularly during hot summers and power outages. Additionally, Terracool empowers local communities by stimulating local industries and promoting sustainable practices. By adopting Terracool, individuals can contribute to a greener future and alleviate the negative impacts of climate change.


  • Saqlain Haider Mirza,
  • Ahsun Danish,
  • Ali hasnain,
  • Malia karim

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