
Sustainable Irrigation: Preventing Flood Irrigation and Preserving Resources

The project focuses on reducing flood irrigation and conserving water resources by implementing effective and sustainable irrigation practices. It demonstrates that it is possible to use less water while achieving better crop health by providing plants with the optimal amount of water, rather than relying on traditional flood irrigation methods. One of the challenges encountered was the recognition that plant growth is influenced by various factors beyond just water; different floral needs vary according to the specific plant and the geographical location. While achieving a one-size-fits-all solution proved difficult, experimental results indicated that flood irrigation is unnecessary. Instead, providing plants with the requisite amount of water minimizes wastage and enhances vegetation growth. This approach presents a more efficient method of crop cultivation, encouraging the adoption of sustainable irrigation practices.

The project significantly impacts the agricultural sector by promoting sustainable water practices and improving water management in water-scarce areas. In countries like Pakistan, where freshwater sources are rapidly depleting alongside the agricultural sector’s exponential growth, adopting prescribed irrigation systems can be beneficial for both farmers and the economy. The use of sprinklers and drippers enhances working conditions for farmers and gardeners, allowing for more effective irrigation with minimal effort compared to traditional methods. Additionally, plant-related applications such as the “Plant App” and “PlantParent App” empower users to understand the key factors influencing optimal plant growth, improving plant health, reducing damage from over-watering, and enhancing crop yields. The project also supports biodiversity by emphasizing the specific floral needs of different plants based on their type and geographical conditions, thereby fostering the growth of diverse species and nurturing local ecosystems.


  • Banafsha Saeed
  • Sohail Abbas
  • Zohaib Ali Musa
  • Ali Sana Ullah

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