Sri Lanka

Less waste , More power

The effectiveness of the biogas project is dual in the sense that it has both environmental and social advantages or implications. We are able to...

Dryland Dreamscape with SSCCA (Sustainability Nexus: multidisciplinary connections for a resilient Dry Zone future)

The Dryland Dreamscape aimed at building climate resilience and environmental sustainability in dry zone. Participants in the webinars gained an...

Life Knuckles – Protecting Biodiversity in the Knuckles Mountain range through Fire Belt with Live Hedge and Life Knuckles Mobile App Solution against Forest Fires

The “Life Knuckles” awareness campaign has successfully educated over 400 participants from universities, schools, and diverse communities...

Utilizing moss based structures to mitigate air pollution and climate change with establishing community awareness.

Our project has already generated substantial impact through both environmental action and community engagement. Although the research on moss...

Creating a virtual platform to connect the farmers and buyers in accordance with demand & supply to make decision-making easier.

Our ultimate goal of the project is to enhance mitigation towards climate change through mobile application development to reduce post-harvest losses...

GIS mapping-based climate action project in Horton plains

Under our project we create impacts like, Social Media Campaign, raises public awareness about Horton Plains’ unique ecosystem and threats it...


The impact of our project extends across environmental, social, and educational dimensions. First and foremost, it directly contributes to reducing...

Develop Biodegradable Cup from Sugarcane: Addressing Climate Change Challenges with a Renewable and Sustainable Solution to Reduce Plastic Waste and Deforestation, Enhance Environmental Resilience.

The impact of our project, focused on developing biodegradable cups from sugarcane, is significant. Firstly, by providing an alternative to...

Garbage Collection on Waterways

Environmental Impact: Significant reduction in floating garbage, with a target of 80% reduction in the first year of implementation. Improved water...

Waste Paper Recyling Project (PaperHero)

There have been significant positive effects on the environment, and society from PaperHero’s Prime Recycling Project. In terms of the...

Reduce improper waste dumping in Hirikatu Oya River bank near bathing area

The main impact created through our project is clean the river bank, protect aesthetic value and through proper management improve environmental...

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Haputhale

We were able to create impact from our project to mitigate and adapt to impact of climate change in Haputale area .we used seminar program for school...

Reviving Badagamuwa : Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration in Badagamuwa Conservation Forest

This Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration Project has created significant positive environmental and social impacts. By introducing...

Educating about climate change through educating school students and university students to combat climate change

*The main program of our project is to create a force against climate change in the southern province. In order to prepare the background for this, a...

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