
Turning Waste into Wonder: Sustainable Cleaning with Bio-Enzymes

The project, “Turning Waste into Wonder: Sustainable Cleaning with Bio-Enzymes,” addresses the pressing issue of organic waste, specifically citrus peels, which are commonly discarded by households and vendors. These peels possess significant potential for repurposing into bio-enzymes, a natural and eco-friendly cleaning solution. Through this initiative, the team aims to raise awareness about sustainable waste management by organizing workshops, community surveys, and interactive sessions. Collaborations with lemon juice vendors have been established to explore opportunities for waste reuse. The project actively engages the public through social media campaigns and in-person awareness events. One of the primary challenges encountered is the lack of awareness regarding the environmental impacts of waste and the benefits of bio-enzyme production. The project objectives include reducing organic waste in landfills, promoting eco-friendly cleaning alternatives, and fostering a sustainable mindset within the community, ultimately leading to a cleaner environment and greater public adoption of sustainable waste-reduction practices.

The “Turning Waste into Wonder: Sustainable Cleaning with Bio-Enzymes” project has made a significant impact across several key areas. By repurposing citrus peels into bio-enzyme solutions, the initiative successfully diverted approximately 500–625 liters of waste per month from landfills, thus reducing organic waste and mitigating environmental pollution. The project also educated over 1,000 individuals through workshops and awareness campaigns, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental issues and promoting responsible waste practices within the community. Moreover, it encouraged behavioral changes, leading households and local vendors to adopt eco-friendly cleaning methods, which signifies a shift towards more sustainable practices. Collaborations with lemon juice vendors and community surveys have established a foundation for future partnerships, enhancing the capacity to scale up bio-enzyme production and implement effective waste management solutions. Overall, this project has contributed to a cleaner environment and empowered community members with valuable knowledge, serving as a model for other communities to embrace similar sustainable practices.


  • Fatema Tuz Zannat Oyshi
  • Md. Sharfuddin Ashbin
  • Fardin Haque
  • Ummay Ayman

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