
Project Eco-Link -Together For a sustainable future

The project has made a significant impact, generating both immediate results and long-term potential. It successfully raised awareness about waste management by launching an online recycling platform, enabling students and residents to sell recyclable materials for money, thereby simplifying the recycling process. Over three months, partnerships were established with two local recycling centers and hall authorities to enhance waste management practices on campus. Community engagement was strengthened through awareness campaigns and workshops, including a successful campus cleaning event at Shahid Minar. The initiative collected and recycled 110 kg of plastic and paper waste, while also training over 20 hall staff on sustainable waste management. Additionally, the Youth Climate and Sustainability Network (YCSN) has grown to over 25 members, and social media outreach has engaged over 4,000 individuals, setting the stage for future initiatives aimed at fostering a circular economy and promoting eco-friendly practices.


  • Shahed Anan Sajeeb
  • Shadia Afrin Moon
  • Nuzha Samad
  • Fahim Foishal

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