
Harnessing hope, solving myth and Adopting Renewable Energy.

The project seeks to tackle climate change in Larkana, Pakistan, by establishing Community-Based Renewable Energy Cooperatives. Through the promotion of solar energy and community awareness campaigns, the initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions and foster a sustainable future. Despite initial hurdles in climate education, significant progress is being made through solar panel installations, workshops, incentive programs, and the use of carbon monitoring apps. This comprehensive approach is empowering the local community to adopt renewable energy solutions and contribute to a cleaner, greener environment.

Our project has significantly impacted the community by educating them about climate change, renewable energy, and community-based solutions. By debunking myths about solar energy and equipping participants with essential skills, we have empowered them to take action. The project has created a ripple effect, inspiring community members to adopt renewable energy, spread awareness, and drive climate action.


  • Nazakat Ali
  • Nazakat
  • Adil
  • Sajjad
  • Svndar

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