
Green roof technology to combat Urban Heat Island(UHI) effect.

This project raises awareness about green roof technology’s effectiveness in reducing the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, which causes higher temperatures in urban areas. By analyzing temperature data from both a green roof and a conventional roof, the project highlights the cooling benefits of green roofs. It aims to provide scientific evidence supporting energy efficiency and urban sustainability. Despite challenges in data collection and audience engagement, the project successfully documents findings, promoting public awareness and encouraging the adoption of green infrastructure as a climate adaptation strategy.

The project successfully raised awareness about green roof technology’s role in mitigating the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. By analyzing real-time data from green and conventional roofs, it showcased the cooling benefits and improved air quality of green roofs. Engaging local communities through educational sessions empowered participants to advocate for sustainable urban planning. The initiative corrected misconceptions about green roofs, promoting broader acceptance of green infrastructure as a viable solution for energy reduction. Ultimately, it fosters environmental consciousness and informs policymakers for future urban planning efforts.


  • Srijana Shrestha
  • Kajal Raut
  • Ayush Ray
  • Nikita Mali

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