
Green Pads

The Green Pads project is a sustainable initiative that aims to manufacture eco-friendly menstrual pads using cotton fabric, cellulose, wax sheets, and polymer powder. These natural and biodegradable materials offer numerous advantages over traditional plastic pads, including improved comfort, breathability, and absorbency. By reducing reliance on plastic and minimizing waste, Green Pads contribute to environmental conservation and climate change mitigation. Additionally, the use of locally sourced materials promotes economic sustainability and supports local communities

The project significantly contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing plastic and chemical usage in menstrual pad production. It promotes organic cotton farming, which minimizes water and pesticide use, and supports carbon sequestration through CO2 absorption by cotton plants. The use of biodegradable cellulose aligns with circular economy principles, reducing waste and pollution. By raising awareness through various channels, the project encourages a shift towards eco-friendly solutions, driving innovation and minimizing the environmental impact of menstrual products.


  • Muhammad Ayaz
  • Karim Ullah
  • Samrin Alam
  • Ulya Batool

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