
GIS mapping-based climate action project in Horton plains

The GIS mapping-based climate action project in Horton Plains addresses critical environmental challenges, including deforestation, habitat loss, and threats to endemic species. Its primary objectives are to promote biodiversity conservation, raise public awareness, and engage government authorities. Utilizing GIS technology, the team monitors environmental changes and predicts future climate impacts to inform conservation strategies. The project includes artistic exhibitions, a sprouting pencil distribution program, and outdoor workshops designed to educate the public. Additionally, web articles, op-eds, and ongoing research analyses are being developed, along with educational videos and daily reminders shared through Facebook to engage the community. Challenges faced by the project include data collection difficulties, disruptions caused by the university’s nursing staff strike, challenges in obtaining necessary permissions, and a general lack of community awareness regarding environmental changes.

Under our project we create impacts like, Social Media Campaign, raises public awareness about Horton Plains’ unique ecosystem and threats it faces. Encourages the local and foreign community involvement and participation in conservation efforts and it generates financial support for conservation projects. Under the Artistic Exhibition and outdoor workshop, creates a personal connection between viewers and the natural beauty of Horton Plains and inspires individuals to appreciate and protect the environment. Also, Educational Video Series impacts as, Provides in-depth information about Horton Plains’ flora, fauna, and ecological importance. Also, makes education accessible to a wider audience and motivates viewers to take steps towards environmental conservation. Under the Research Article, web article and Op-Ed, Contributes to the scientific knowledge base about Horton Plains. Informs policymakers and conservation organizations about effective management strategies and guides future research direction. Stimulates public debate and discussion on Horton Plains’ conservation issues, influences public opinion and policy decisions, and encourages public participation in conservation efforts. Those are the impacts that we are aims under this project.


  • Madhushika jeewanthi
  • T. B. Pinnalanda
  • G.P.I.Fernando
  • Chathuri Dilmi

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