
Garbage Collection on Waterways

Environmental Impact:

Significant reduction in floating garbage, with a target of 80% reduction in the first year of implementation. Improved water quality in targeted waterways leads to healthier aquatic ecosystems. Potential restoration of biodiversity as cleaner waters support the return of native species. Reduced pollution flows to larger water bodies and oceans, contributing to broader marine conservation efforts.

Social Impact:

Enhanced community awareness about waterway pollution and proper waste disposal practices. Increased civic engagement through volunteer programs and educational initiatives. Improved quality of life for local communities with cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing waterways. Potential health benefits from reduced exposure to waterborne pollutants and contaminants.

Economic Impact:

Potential growth in eco-tourism as cleaner waterways attract visitors. Job creation in areas of machine manufacturing, maintenance, and operation. Reduced costs for manual cleaning efforts and water treatment in the long term. Possible development of a recycling industry from collected waste materials.


  • G.G.L.B Bandara
  • M.L Saputantri
  • P.A.C Padmaperuma
  • H.M Godage

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