
Ethical Trash Disposal

The project aimed to establish a sustainable, ethical waste management system for the Johar Naala near Habib University, emphasizing ethical disposal methods that avoided landfills or incineration to prevent further environmental harm. Recycling was central to the plan, but despite reaching out to several recycling firms and government bodies, the only potential support came from KMC, presenting a conflict as the waste would likely end up at Jam Chakro, exacerbating health risks for the local population. Consequently, the project was paused. However, this process expanded the team’s understanding of the systemic challenges in climate action and sparked a new initiative: spreading awareness on lesser-known climate change topics not commonly covered by traditional media. As the project transitioned into its next phase in August, this educational mission became the core focus.

The project has made a significant impact by fostering environmental awareness and community engagement regarding climate change. It empowered a passionate youth team with essential skills in research, fundraising, and collaboration with governmental bodies, enhancing their capacity for future initiatives. Through raising awareness about neglected aspects of climate change in Pakistan, the project highlighted social injustices and mobilized community support. The donation of remaining funds to a nearby charity school exemplified a commitment to social responsibility. Moreover, the project demonstrated to Habib University the eagerness of its students to advocate for climate action, paving the way for future funding opportunities. Lastly, by showcasing the viability of low-cost solutions to KMC, such as barriers to intercept plastic waste, the project sparked interest in sustainable waste management practices, thereby contributing to a cleaner environment.


  • Mustafa Hussain
  • Nofil Khalid
  • Abeer Masroor
  • Yusra Zulfikar

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