

This project aims to promote beach cleanups through a digital solution that connects local communities with areas in need of attention. Posters featuring QR codes will be placed along the beachside, allowing beachgoers to scan the codes, take photos of littered areas, and upload them to the project’s website. Volunteers can then access these locations through the platform to coordinate cleanup efforts. The initiative addresses the increasing pollution along coastal areas, which contributes to environmental degradation and accelerates climate change; plastic waste and other pollutants pose significant threats to marine ecosystems and release greenhouse gases as they decompose. By facilitating regular beach cleanups, the project seeks to mitigate pollution while engaging the community in sustainable practices. The benefits of these cleanups extend beyond visual improvement, fostering healthier oceans, reducing carbon emissions, and enhancing local ecosystems.

The impact of our project extends across environmental, social, and educational dimensions. First and foremost, it directly contributes to reducing beach pollution by facilitating regular, well-organized cleanups. This results in cleaner coastal ecosystems, where marine life is less exposed to harmful pollutants like plastics and microplastics. Cleaner beaches also enhance the natural beauty of these areas, promoting tourism and local economies. Socially, the project fosters community engagement and volunteerism. By making it easy for individuals to identify garbage-strewn areas and coordinate cleanups, we empower communities to take direct action in preserving their environment. This shared sense of responsibility strengthens bonds among participants, creating a unified effort toward sustainability. Educationally, our project raises awareness about the connection between pollution and climate change. Through the use of posters, QR codes, and digital platforms, we inform the public about how local actions—such as reducing beach waste—can mitigate larger environmental issues, like greenhouse gas emissions from degrading plastics. Ultimately, our project helps reduce the negative impact of coastal pollution on climate change by promoting proactive waste management. This ripple effect of positive actions—cleaner beaches, stronger communities, and greater awareness—drives long-term behavioral changes and promotes sustainability.


  • Muhamad Sahirkan
  • Mohamed Siyaj Mohamed Sakeer
  • W G.R.T. Bandara
  • V.L.G. Arachchi

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