
Chittagong University Green Power Initiative

The University of Chittagong, along with Bangladesh, currently relies heavily on fossil fuels to meet its energy needs, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and increased vulnerability to fluctuating fuel prices. There is also a significant lack of awareness and education regarding energy efficiency and the adoption of renewable energy sources within the university community. Recognizing that students are the future leaders, the project aims to educate them on the significance of renewable energy and influence policy at the institutional level. The Chittagong University Green Power Initiative seeks to reduce fossil fuel dependence by promoting sustainable energy solutions. Its objectives include raising awareness among students about renewable energy, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to develop related projects, and encouraging sustainable practices on campus. Ultimately, the initiative aims for a substantial reduction in fossil fuel reliance and greenhouse gas emissions, fostering a well-informed and engaged campus community dedicated to sustainability.

The Chittagong University Green Power Initiative aims to create a profound impact on both the local community and the national landscape by pioneering the shift from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources. This project is expected to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby mitigating climate change and fostering a cleaner, healthier environment. Locally, it will transform Chittagong University into a beacon of sustainability through the integration of renewable energy technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines, which will lower energy costs and reduce the university’s environmental footprint. Additionally, the initiative will generate new green jobs and training opportunities, enhancing community skills in renewable technologies and bolstering the local economy. The project also promotes renewable energy adoption by raising awareness and providing educational resources, inspiring students to advocate for clean energy within their communities. Overall, the Chittagong University Green Power Initiative is set to contribute significantly to a sustainable and resilient future for Bangladesh through education, awareness, and policy advocacy.


  • Md. Rafiquel Islam
  • Golam Raufu
  • Samrina Jamal
  • Atunna Jahan

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