
Champs mission : farm edition

The mobile game app is designed to educate children about the complete process of crop cultivation in an engaging way. It teaches players the stages of growing crops, simulating that rice, which typically takes 110 days to grow, requires only 110 minutes in the game. Players encounter challenges such as irregular weather, pests, and food waste, and they can address issues with nearby industries to ensure waste is treated before being released. The app also promotes techniques for reducing food waste and highlights the composting process using food scraps and yard waste. Additionally, players are encouraged to share videos of their composting efforts and green solutions, inspiring others to adopt sustainable practices.

The team conducted surveys before and after visiting schools, utilizing Google Forms for virtual assessments across different age groups. The initial survey revealed a lack of awareness regarding climate change and composting. However, post-visit feedback indicated that participants gained knowledge about compost-making and the environmental impacts of gases. The initiative also encouraged plantation efforts, positively influencing the community’s response. As a result of this outreach, the university has adopted a new logo promoting a commitment to reducing plastic use and increasing tree planting initiatives.


  • Goljana Kavya
  • Gudisa Sai Niteesha
  • Ellamsetty Hari Preethi
  • Kamuju Yaghna Sree

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