
Comprehensive Campus Sustainability: Reducing Carbon Footprint and Enhancing Soil Health through Leafy Vegetable Cultivation and Community Engagement

The climate project focused on sustainable urban agriculture by cultivating leafy vegetables and creepers in a 50 m² garden area, aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of traditional farming and enhance local food supply. The project achieved significant results, with carbon emissions reduced by 29% without greenhouse covers, dropping from 0.5 kg CO2e to 0.355 kg CO2e, and by 35% with greenhouse covers, lowering emissions further to 0.325 kg CO2e. Soil testing indicated improvements in organic matter and nutrient levels. Additionally, the initiative produced fresh, chemical pesticide-free vegetables for the campus canteen and actively engaged the community through surveys, events, and social media, showcasing the effectiveness of sustainable practices.

The college climate project produced significant environmental and community benefits through sustainable urban agriculture. It achieved up to a 35% reduction in carbon emissions with greenhouse covers and 29% without, lowering the carbon footprint from 0.5 kg CO2e to as low as 0.325 kg CO2e, showcasing the effectiveness of these interventions. Soil health improved, with organic matter increasing from 2.5% to 3.0% and nutrient levels enhancing, indicating better soil quality and greater carbon sequestration potential. The initiative provided fresh, chemical pesticide-free leafy vegetables to the campus canteen, promoting healthier eating practices. Community engagement through surveys, events, and social media raised awareness about sustainable agriculture and fostered environmental responsibility. Overall, the project illustrated the potential of urban agriculture to mitigate climate challenges, improve soil health, and enhance community well-being.


  • Shivani Bonagiri
  • Punyamurthy Nishitha
  • Sahithi Aleti
  • Adla Sathvika Reddy

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