
University Partnerships

Collaborate with universities to invite students to participate in the project.

Online Course

Students undertake an online course on understanding and developing climate action plans in the South Asian region.

Climate Action Ideation

Students work in teams to work on ideating their climate action projects in their respective regions.

Interactive Webinars

Webinars and office hours will be facilitated by climate change experts to discuss regional climate challenges and support students with ideating their projects.

Campus Dialogues

With the help of the project team, the students in their respective universities facilitate sessions to engage people in climate-related dialogue.

Project Submission

Students who have successfully completed the online course and ideated their projects will submit their climate action projects for the Climate Champions Fellowship.

Project Implementation

Students will implement their projects in their universities and communities in their respective regions.

Climate Tank

The implemented projects compete in a climate tank to present their ideas to jury panel to win the climate tank.

Climate Champions Fellowship

Award U.S. scholarships to winning projects from each country for engaging in climate dialogues with a local university.

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