
Algae Carbon Catch

This proposal introduces an innovative solution aimed at combatting carbon emissions and global warming through the cultivation of algae using specialized tabs that can be placed both indoors and outdoors. Recognizing that household activities contribute significantly to carbon dioxide emissions, these tabs offer an effective means of capturing emissions. The algae will absorb carbon dioxide via photosynthesis, thereby reducing its environmental impact. This method not only tackles the challenge of carbon emissions but also employs a natural and sustainable approach to carbon capture. The primary objective of the algae tanks is to absorb carbon dioxide, transforming it into biomass and oxygen during the photosynthesis process. Although this initiative presents promising benefits, it also faces several challenges, notably the accessibility of monitoring instruments.

The project associated with algae carbon capture programs presents substantial social, economic, and environmental benefits. Algae play a vital role in reducing atmospheric carbon through efficient photosynthesis, which absorbs significant levels of CO2. This process aids in mitigating the impacts of climate change, including severe weather events and rising sea levels. Additionally, algae enhance water quality by eliminating excess nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. The biomass generated from algae can be converted into bioplastics, fertilizers, and renewable biofuels, promoting sustainable products and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Ultimately, these algae initiatives contribute to improved public health, environmental conservation, economic sustainability, and climate action, benefiting both local communities and global ecosystems.


  • Abdur Rahman
  • Sarah Zahir
  • asfia Nakib Sifwa
  • Yeasmin Mushtary

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